
Somalia is still emerging from the effects of a long civil war, political-social conflicts, and extended drought. Despite this, the economy, mainly based on traditional primary productive sectors, is growing. Somalia has diverse livelihood systems: pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, fishing, and coastal communities. Agriculture provides 60% of the country’s GDP, 80% of its employment, and 90% of its exports. The livestock and crop sectors remain the main sources of current economic activity and employment.

The lifting of state constraints on private enterprise led to improved economic performance and to the provision by the private sector of many services previously provided inefficiently by the public sector (telecommunications, air transport, money transfer, and, though inadequately so, urban water, electricity, and social services). Contributing to the improved economic performance is the large emigration of skilled Somalis. The booming informal trade with neighboring countries provided a new source of income.

Our role is to support productive and private-sector development. Working with Somali people to build peace and prosperity.